英译 《古文观止》名篇《陈情表》(三国-西晋·李密)




A Memorial to His Majesty


Your Majesty,

Your humble servant Li Mi begs to report: Born under an unlucky star, I had a miserable childhood. My father died when I was only six months old, and my mother was forced by her brother to remarry when I was four years of age. My grandmother, surnamed Liu, took pity on me and brought me up on her own. I was a sickly child and could not even walk properly at the age of nine. With no uncles or brothers to depend on, I grew up alone and helpless. My family – an unblessed one it was – struggled hard against ill fortune, and I myself did not get a male descendant until late in life. I have neither close relatives who will wear mourning for me when I die nor any boy servant to attend to the household affairs. All I have is my own shadow to keep myself company. And as my grandmother is constantly bedridden due to bad health, I have to attend upon her without negligence.


Under Your Majesty’s wise and enlightened reign, I was first recommended by Prefect Kui as a xiaolian and then by Governor Rong as a xiucai. But I declined both offers because I had to take care of my grandmother. Later, an imperial edict came, appointing me as langzhong, and before long, by another imperial favour, I was further granted the position ofxianma to serve His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. But such an honorable position was more than I, a man of humble origin, was worthy of. That is why I declined the offer by way of a letter to Your Majesty. Soon came another edict, which, in an extremely severe tone, reprimanded me for my procrastination, and officials from the county, prefectural, and even provincial, governments visited me in person, urging me time and again to set off without delay to take up the post. I wished to comply, but was held up by my grandmother’s failing health. Despite my appeals for sympathy, they remained adamant. Caught in a genuine dilemma, I am now at a loss what to do.


I understand that filial piety is the fundamental principle on which Your Majesty rules the country. Old, venerable ministers who have served the former dynasty, as long as they are still alive, are being taken good care of. And I, for may part, expect special kindness due to my helpless situation. During my youth, I served in the Imperial Secretariat of the former dynasty, chasing fame and position in total disregard of my own good name and integrity. What else is there for me, now a humble captive, to hesitate over in the face of such undue favour from Your Majesty? The only thing that has held me back is my grandmother’s worrying health. She is at her last gasp now, like the feeble sun sinking beyond the hills, and may die any moment. Without her, I could not have grown up to be what I am today. And without me, my grandmother would have no one else to keep her company during her twilight years. We depend on each other for survival. That is why I cannot afford to leave home to join your service right now.


This year, I am 44 years old, and my grandmother 96. In other words, ahead of me, the years are long in which I may serve Your Majesty, while the days are few in which I may repay my grandmother for her love and care. Even a crow knows well enough, when it grows older, to feed its elderly parents. I would entreat Your Majesty to allow me to stay and wait upon my grandmother until her death. My plight is known not only to the local people of Shu, but to the officials of Liangzhou and Yizhou provinces. It is laid bare for Heaven and Earth to see as well. I pray Your Majesty will show sympathy with me and allow me to continue to serve my grandmother till her last. Then I will do anything to reciprocate your kindness, even at the cost of my own life. I am shivering in awe as I present this memorial to Your Majesty.

(吴洲 英译)

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