

皇太极出生于明万历二十年十月二十五日(1592年11月28日)申时,赫图阿拉(今辽宁新宾县西 老城),努尔哈赤第八子






Right Angle Cross of Planning (9/16 | 40/37) 占世界总人口的0.93%

TypeProjectorStrategyTo Wait for the InvitationNot-Self ThemeBitternessSignatureSuccessDefinitionSplitAuthoritySolar Plexus – EmotionalProfileInvestigator – Martyr (1/3)Incarnation CrossRight Angle Cross of Planning (9/16 | 40/37)

下图是1832年11月28日,的轮回交叉是9 16 40 37

Birth Data (Local)28th November 1832 @ 16:00 in Xinbin, Liaoning, ChinaBirth Data (UTC)28th November 1832 @ 07:39Design Date (UTC)31st August 1832 @ 14:58TypeProjectorStrategyTo Wait for the InvitationNot-Self ThemeBitternessSignatureSuccessDefinitionSingleAuthoritySolar Plexus – EmotionalProfileInvestigator – Martyr (1/3)Incarnation CrossRight Angle Cross of Planning (9/16 | 40/37)

下图是1892年11月28日,的轮回交叉是9 16 40 37

下图是3132年11月28日,的轮回交叉是9 16 40 37



1592年11月28日 申时,赫图阿拉(今辽宁新宾县西 老城),我出生了。

皇太极- 我的基因










My Lifes Work – what I’m here to do – Gene Key 9

You have a very specific task to fulfil whilst you are here on this earth, and to discover that task, you must find the dream that lies inside you. You do not need to know all the details of your dream — all that is necessary is that you feel the energy of enthusiasm that it invokes in you. Armed with this, you can bring all your energy into a single line of focus surrounding your dream. Despite all this talk of dreams, you are not really a dreamy kind of person but a being of action. You only have to make certain that your every act follows a unified direction; otherwise you will find yourself pouring enormous energy into something that can never fulfil you. If you find yourself committed to such a course of action, then at some point you are going to have to break the pattern and begin a new direction. In this respect, it is better not to wait too long, because the longer you wait, the harder it will be to begin again. Once you are following your heart, you can take heart from the fact that the whole universe is with you.

My Evolution – what I’m here to learn – Gene Key 16

Your test in life is about not getting stuck going in only one direction. You have the capacity to be a master of versatility — you can handle many different things in life all at the same time. The trick for you is to get out of your head and into your heart. When you are doing what you love, it all comes together without your having to mentally orchestrate it. You have natural intuitive timing and rhythm when you are not in a state of worry. Your Evolution is the counterbalance to your Lifes Work. Just as you must stay with what you know is right, you must also allow this path to diversify so as to include other systems and people. If you just keep your heart open and your enthusiasm bubbling, your destiny will unfold in a logical and effortless way.

My Radiance – what keeps me healthy – Gene Key 40

Being alone is the most essential aspect of your feeling good about yourself and your body. Regular solitude, even in small doses, is essential to recharge and stay in touch with your own inner core. The other vital aspect of your life is to take plenty of rest and relaxation. The trick is to find ways of spending less energy for more reward. Your reward is always time off, often but not always alone. Everyone has a different way of relaxing, and it doesnt matter what you like to do when you are resting. It only matters that you have plenty of time for yourself. You also have a strong need to work in some way. What seems like hard work to others may not seem hard for you at all, as long as its something that you love. If you can balance these two elements in your life — enjoyable work and plenty of rest — your body will hum with vital power.

My Purpose – what deeply fulfils me – Gene Key 37

Your purpose is to bring people in the world closer together. In every aspect of your life, this is the essence of your work. Somewhere deep inside you a great vision is trying to find its way into the world — a vision of the world as one family. If this sounds cheesy, it is because most people have now been conditioned to believe it isnt possible. You, however, bring hope into the world through keeping this vision alive and implementing it in every relationship you have. The deeper you dig within you, the further you will realise you can go with this vision. There is nothing to stop you from transforming the whole world. You have the skills, the practicality, and the connections to really make a huge difference to the world. It is a matter of how big you can dream and how far you are willing to go. The secret, as you will learn, is unconditional love — the most powerful force in the universe.

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